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Kidney Transplantation
Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure performed to place a new kidney from a donor to a patient (recipient) when both the kidneys fail to work.

Why Kidney Tranplant?

In patients with kidney failure, he/she should undergo dialysis until a kidney transplant. Dialysis eliminates the waste products preventing the accumulation of the same. Patients cannot undergo lifetime dialysis because patients cannot live long in dialysis. So, kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for kidney failure.

Diagnosis of kidney failure, which is not easy because symptoms appear only at the end-stage. Symptoms include itching, Muscle cramps, swelling of ankles and knees, and vomiting. As soon as the diagnosis of CKD, patients are advised to reduce their water intake, revise their current prescriptions, and suggest a good diet and exercises to keep their kidneys healthy. He/she should also have a look at his blood glucose and hypertension profile, which may pave the way to CKD.

Kidney Transplant Procedure

The new kidney is placed on the lower right or left side of the abdomen, and this newcomer does the job of the damaged kidneys. After identifying a compatible donor, the patient should get ready for transplant surgery. If your donor is live, the nephrologist can schedule your transplant surgery, whereas when your donor is deceased, you should rush to the hospital because the kidney should be transplanted before the cells die. Before a transplant, it is desirable to take a hepatitis B vaccine. A kidney transplant is done under general anesthesia, and an anesthesiologist will be present throughout the procedure to monitor the patient. Once you lose your consciousness and fall asleep the real procedure begins.

The kidney transplant surgeon cuts the recipient’s abdomen and places the donor’s kidney. Then they connect the renal arteries and veins from the damaged kidneys to your newcomer. The kidney transplant surgeon also attaches the new kidney’s ureter to your bladder so that you can urinate normally. Generally, the old kidneys are left in the recipient body itself unless it creates a problem like infection in the kidneys. After a kidney transplant, you will sleep until the anesthesia concentration goes down. You wake up with your new kidney, and you need to be concerned about the graft rejection. Not everything that we put in your bodysuits suits you, even if it is necessary. Your immune system may not have mercy on you by rejecting the new kidney. This is known as graft rejection. Immunosuppressants are prescribed to avoid this.

Types of Kidney Transplant

⦿ Family members or friends can willingly donate their kidneys to the patient. In this type of transplant, the kidneys are taken from a live donor and placed in a kidney failure patient. A person can live with one kidney, so friends or family members with better compatibility can donate his kidney to the patient. As already stated, when compared to the waiting time and emergency surgery in the case of a deceased donor, this might be a scheduled procedure that avoids the start of the dialysis process. Living donor kidneys are said to function more quickly than kidneys donated by a deceased individual. A living-donor kidney transplant involves the recipient receiving a kidney from someone he or she knows, such as a relative.
⦿ Family members who are genetically related are more likely to be compatible living kidney donors. A non-directed living kidney donor is someone who is not known or genetically connected to the recipient. Paired donation is also a type of living donor kidney transplant. If you have a willing kidney donor whose organ is not compatible with you or does not match well for other reasons, you can choose a paired donation. Rather than donating a kidney to you, your donor may choose to donate a kidney to someone who is a better match for you. Then you receive a compatible kidney from the donor of that recipient.

⦿ The kidney is acquired from a person who has recently died or has experienced brain death in a deceased donor kidney transplant surgery. The retrieved kidney will subsequently be transplanted into a kidney failure recipient. For the patients diagnosed with brain death, the organs are donated to different patients which require the organ. The kidney is taken with the deceased person’s family’s approval, and the procedure is completed within a few hours of the donor’s death. The donated kidney is kept in cold storage or attached to a machine until the surgery is performed to maintain the oxygen and nutrition supply intact. The recipient has to rush to the hospital because the kidney needs to be transplanted before kidney decay.

⦿ It is a procedure for transplantation in which transplantation is performed before the initiation of dialysis. For adults with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), preemptive renal transplantation is well established as the best treatment but the benefits for children are less obvious. For grownups, renal transplant recipients have a higher chance of survival and a better quality of life compared to dialysis patients’ quality of life. It is highly effective in adults compared to the elderly.

What to do after a Kidney Transplant?

The success of kidney transplantation may depend on many factors. Success transplantation comes from the result of

  • ⦿ Consulting nephrologist regularly and checking the transplanted kidney health regularly
  • ⦿ Good diet and exercise routine is recommended.
  • ⦿ Taking immunosuppressants shortly called anti-rejection medication on proper doses daily as prescribed by the nephrologist.

Diabetes After Kidney Transplantation

This is a condition in which recipients can develop diabetes mellitus after the transplantation, which can be caused due to immunosuppression therapy. So, after transplantation, one must look for a blood sugar profile.
Whole foods high in potassium and phosphorus will be available again after the surgery, you must balance with a heart healthy diet that gives you healthy body weight. If you are having trouble meeting this balance, you might want to end with a condition called metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a disorder in which you have multiple metabolic issues that all arise at the same time. You must have at least three of the following criteria to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, a high triglyceride level, a low HDL cholesterol level, or extra fat in and around the belly. Any one of these diseases can put your health at risk, but the combination can be riskier and can cost your life. When you have metabolic syndrome, your chances of having heart disease and type 2 diabetes increase. It may also increase the probability of kidney rejection. The only prevention is to make lifestyle changes like changing diet and employing exercise. Remember lifestyle changes can save your life.



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