+91 9843722515
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Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys. Diet, excess body weight, some medical conditions, and certain supplements and medications are among the many causes of kidney stones.

Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are stone-like lumps that can develop in one or both of the kidneys. Kidney stones are quite common and usually affect people who are between 30 and 60 years of age. However no age is immune and they occur in children as well.They affect men more than women. It is estimated that renal colic (severe pain caused by a kidney stone) affects about 10-20% of men, and 3-5% of women.

⦿ Everyone forms crystals in their urine, even people who never form kidney stones. Urine, which is produced in the kidneys, naturally contains substances that promote the development of crystals. These stone promoters include calcium, oxalate, sodium, phosphorus and uric acid (and also cystine, in the case of individuals with the inherited disorder known as cystinuria).

⦿ These stone-promoting compounds, which come from the bloodstream, are present in urine because the kidneys filter our blood and regulate whether and how much of these urinary constituents will be reabsorbed by the kidneys (put back into blood circulation) or eliminated as waste. In addition to these stone promoters, urine also naturally contains proteins and other compounds that inhibit crystal formation. Examples of stone inhibitors in urine include total urine volume, citrate, magnesium, pyrophosphate, phytate and proteins and other molecules derived from normal metabolism, collectively referred to as urinary macromolecules. These inhibitor said the elimination of crystals before they attach to the kidney and grow into larger stones.

⦿ Thus, if the crystals remain small enough, and if the urine is dilute enough to avoid super saturation, crystals will flow with urine through the ureters and bladder without being noticed or causing problems. However, this balance between stone promoters and inhibitors does not exist for everyone - either due to genetic, lifestyle or other factors - leading to the formation of kidney stones.

⦿Stones in Kidney : If there are stones inside your kidney, you will usually not get any pain in your abdomen. However, if the stone is big enough, you might experience dull aching pain.Sometimes renal stones are diagnosed without any symptoms, as incidentally detected during other diagnostic modalities.

⦿Stones in Ureter :If there is a stone inside your ureter (the tube that passes from the kidney to the urinary bladder), you will get a sharp pain which starts from either of the loin depending on which side the stone is situated and the pain will spread down to your lower abdomen. The pain will be agonizing enough for you to seek medical help at the earliest.

⦿Stones in Ureterovesical Junction: If there are stones lodged in this part of the ureter (the point where the ureter enters the urinary bladder), you will experience symptoms like burning sensation/pain while passing urine with increased frequency of urination in addition to loin pain. You might also pass blood in the urine.

⦿Stones in Urinary Bladder: If there are stones inside your urinary bladder (the organ that stores urine after receiving it from the kidneys), you might experience symptoms like burning sensation/pain while passing urine with increased frequency of urination with passage of blood in the urine. There might also be a sensation of urgency to pass urine.

⦿Stones in Urethra:If the stone has lodged in the urethra (the tube that leads from urinary bladder to the natural urinary orifice), you will have a blocked sensation while passing urine with slowness in the urinary stream. This is different from stones in Ureter (the tube that passes from the kidney to the urinary bladder)

⦿ General complications include urinary tract infection (symptoms may be fever with loin pain and burning sensation while passing urine) and stent related problems which have been highlighted before. Complications specific to the procedures have been enumerated previously.



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